Why Etic?

Ethical because all products are truly “made in Italy”, without exploitation of low-cost developing countries labor.

Most of the jewelry present today in our market is imported, made the exploitation of child labor also, through patronage unfair wages for their work. This involves the exploitation of people and the enrichment of unscrupulous companies.
Bioetic Bijoux was born with the intent to counter these mechanisms firmly aimed at the mere profit realized at the expense of the lower classes and has instead set itself the aim of helping underprivileged children giving them the right to play. So we’ve decided to support with part of our collections some humanitarian associations.
All Bioetic Bijoux products are made in full respect of labor, the environment and people  to the point that we like to define our own as  a project with a strong ethical connotation .
Bioetic Bijoux supports the ethical and responsible consumption  and provides helpful and clear about the realization processes of its products so that they can make informed purchasing choices.
What we buy is always the work of more people and consume responsibly means wondering what the true cost of the products we buy , such as suppliers treat their employees and what are the social and environmental costs involved throughout the supply chain.
The critical consumer research consciously and exclusively products from companies that adopt production systems that respect the environment and workers’ rights and with its purchasing decisions expresses his disapproval of products and producers “unethical” , rewarding production processes correct, inducing more sustainable business and responsible policies.